So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come, You are my happily ever : Taylor swift and Travis unveils secret

So far, every moment we've spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come, You are my happily ever : Taylor swift and Travis unveils secret


Taylor Swift was the biggest celebrity polluter in the world in 2022, and that pace is being kept up this year because of her new romance with Kanas City Cheifs tight end Travis Kelce. She has apparently tallied up over 12 journeys (and counting) in the past three months alone, according to the Daily Mail.


The 34-year-old singer has not only been flying between New York and Kansas City, but she’s also been making trips in between South American performances of her Eras World Tour. The Mail looked at statistics tracked by the account Taylor Swift’s Jet on Instagram, and her trips have produced 138 tons of C02 emissions to date. To put that into perspective, Swift would apparently need to plant 2,282 trees and allow them to grow for 10 years in order to offset the environmental damage she has caused by her flights. Another way to look at it is that it’s the same amount of energy used by 17 houses in one year or the electricity usage of 26.9 homes in one year.

She reportedly owns two private jets — a Dassault Falcon 7x registered under Island Jet Inc. and a Dassault Falcon 900, registered under SATA LLFC, according to the Daily Mail. Both of those companies are tied to Taylor Swift Productions in Nashville, Tennessee.

After it came out that she was the top polluter in 2022, her reps claimed that she often let other people take her Falcon 7X on flights around the world. They must realize that’s not better right? Like they have to realize that. A spokesperson also said Swift was working to lessen her jets’ carbon emissions by traveling less frequently then she has in previous years. Not sure how well that’s going. Lest we forget, her tour also requires dozens upon dozens of trucks to haul everything all over the country.

“Before the tour kicked off in March of 2023, Taylor purchased more than double the carbon credits needed to offset all tour travel,” a spokesperson told the outlet.