Breaking news : kirks cousin and wife Julie welcome a baby on their anniversary day ‘ Patrick mahomes , Travis Kelce and Chris Jones sent a heart felt message – Best ever

Breaking news : kirks cousin and wife Julie welcome a baby on their anniversary day ' Patrick mahomes , Travis Kelce and Chris Jones sent a heart felt message - Best ever


Congratulations to Kirk Cousins and his wife Julie who welcomed their baby son Cooper into the world Friday night.

Cousins is expected to be named Starting Dad by the newborn expansion human, with several league sources reporting optimism that he could grow into a franchise father. As with the 2012 NFL Draft, Kirk Cousins may prove to be the steal of the 2024 Dad Draft.


Cousins was already having a great week professionally, being named NFC Offensive Player of the Week for Week 3 following a win against the Raiders. That’s how you know when things are good, when receiving a rare honor at work isn’t even the best part of your week.

Cousins was back at practice Saturday morning and will start against the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs on Monday Night Football.

We think Kirk Cousins is going to be a great dad. He’s a captain and a leader, known to be a diligent preparer as a QB.

In fact, he made headlines earlier this week, after revealing he keeps a sheet of media members’ names and faces on a print out in his locker room. During interviews and press conferences, Cousins has a habit of responding to each question with the reporter’s first name. Cousins told WUSA sports anchor Darren Haynes: “You media people will be happy to see I’ve got your names and faces here on a printout, so I can hopefully remember all your names as you guys change from year to year.” Which is both very thoughtful and kind of a power move but either way I like it.

There really isn’t any paragraph about Kirk Cousins that isn’t best followed up with that GIF.

Teammates and coaches alike are high on Cousins. Veteran TE Vernon Davishad this to say about the team’s opinion of their QB: “Guys in the locker room love him. They think he’s spectacular. I do, as well, because of what he does. He minimizes himself in the locker room; in practice and in games he stands out like a sore thumb. And that’s what great quarterbacks do.”

People seem to be drawn to Cousins, but more importantly, so do dogs. The QB and his wife frequently share photos and videos of the family dog, Bentley, and we investigated. According to several reports on, league sources confirm Bentley is a good dog.

You know that thing about people looking like their dogs? Bentley and Kirk (it feels like we’re on a first name basis now) definitely have that thing.

Besides that, Cousins just seems like a sweet and goofy Midwestern dude with a good vibe. For instance, he does things like earnestly rapping Hamilton lyrics while practicing.

The best leaders know how to listen, and Cousins seems to possess that ability. Check out his caption for this photo:

“Why I love playing for Washington…
Just met Veronica, an 85 year old employee at Congressional Country Club, has worked there for 53 years and is a diehard Redskins fan. She had 3 thoughts to share:
1. She coaches me from her couch
2. Wants to be sure I get the ball out when I drop back
3. Wants the new receivers to get involved in the offense
I’ll see what I can do!”

Months ago, Kirk and Julie announced the baby’s gender with a special Instagram video, y’know that kinda cute thing people seem to do now for these announcements, but Kirk turns it into a classic by almost missing the throw.

This was a busy week in the “fun Kirk Cousins stories” industry, although honestly, there are enough fun Kirk Cousins stories that we could do this weekly and never run out of things.

We’re not doing that. This will have to appease the Kirk Cousins diehards for now. Back to our original point:

Congratulations, Cousins fam!!! We really like baby Cooper!